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It's been a while guys, after a little winter break I am back and full of ideas. Spring has started this week in Austria and it was freaking time for that! This winter was totally too long and awfully cold. In general, I like the winter time - christmas, big hoodies and skiing, BUT this year I became 15 in February and that meant I could make the moped driving licence. And that doesn't really work or is not easy when it's so cold. So, this winter feel to me the longest we've ever had. Because my birthday is in February (notice that to congratulate me) I had to make my moped course in the winter and my driving lessons too. I want to keep it short, because I think nobody is very interested about what's going on in a moped course. Theory was boring, I almost fell asleep and during my driving lessons the power of my electro moped run out. During my driving test it began to rain, and a storm came - that means nothing to me and my moped driving future, haha. Whatever I passed it and didn't fail.

The question which moped I will get wasn't quite easy. For me it was sure that I wanted a roller, but in my dreams I wasn't riding a 0815-roller. My heart belonged to a Vespa, but they are damn expensive! Me and my dad looked in different shops for cool mopeds. (It was a father-daughter thing.) After a while my dad and I made a deal: cheap moped and concert tickets OR a Vespa. That should be christmas- and birthday present in one. This deal racked my brain for weeks, because concert tickets are also amazing. One day when we went to another moped store I found a pastel blue Vespa that shouted to me: "Anna I am waiting for you! Take me and drive with me away." Now my decision was clear and a took the Vespa deal. I am lucky that my parents allowed me to have a Vespa and bought it for me, I participated in the price, but at this point I want to say thank you mum, dad and my very nice uncels. I couldn't believe that I am owner of a pastel blue Vespa Primavera! That doesn't have anybody and is very unique I think. I am trying to take care of it and try to drive correctly. When I first drive through the city a car tooted to me, only because I maybe waited too long on a crossover. Hell, better too long than overlooked a car, right?

At the moment my Vespa is my baby and I am very proud to drive it. My friend told me that some people asked who is the driver of this beautiful light blue Vespa that cruises through the city. She said it belongs to Anna! I have a feeling of liberty and independence and that feels freaking great!

Thanks for reading my post lovely people. Have a lot of in the spring time.

Love Anna

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