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Somehow summer is always different from how you imagine it. I mean, not in a negative way, but only unexpected, confusing, spontaneous and a whole adventure. Maybe that's what makes it so beautiful.

There would be a tone of adjectives for these 2 months, but let’s start from the beginning. Before the summer started everyone had the expectation that this summer will be mind-blowing and completely wild. We had a hard year, even last summer was great but corona messed a lot up, parties, concerts, and festivals where cancelled and no prospect of change. That should be different this summer. So, because of the high vaccination rate and the falling number of infections everybody was optimistic. Enough from that, I don’t want to write another “life in corona times post”, so let’s move on.

At the same time, I knew that this summer would be more exhausting than others, my head was full stuffed with prom planning, diploma thesis, internship and that the last year of school is almost around the corner. Soon I should think about how things will go after graduation and what I really want.

Because there was so much going on, overburdening became classic repression. Furthermore, I was in the middle of planning my huge 18th birthday party with 60 people, which took place on the first weekend of the summer holidays. My head was about to burst at the seams.


Eighteen!? Growing up?! Adult?! No chance! In somehow, I feel that my mindset became maybe a little bit more adult. Or I'm just telling myself that because I'm forced to think more about my future. Anyways, growing up is a gradual and strange process, which happens much more unconsciously than consciously. But one thing for sure, I wanted to make a f*cking cool birthday party. A night to remember, all my friends together in one place having a good time. I know, that sounds very exaggerated again, but my wish was to create infinity out of a party night. Let an eighteen-year-old teenage girl dream!

Let’s skip the embarrassments of this night and the crazy confusing stories (I honestly have forgotten some or they are blurry). Even when you are burning to hear them, but sometimes it is better to keep things private. But all I can say that this night was freaking crazy party shit and between singing, dancing, and laughter there was for sure a spark of infinity!


July was wild. In the first week of summer holidays, I visited my uncle and my aunt in Vienna as I do it every year in summer. I always really enjoy this time, not only because I am in love with this city, also because Vienna makes me feel most alive and self-reliant in some way. This time I went through the halls of the university of Vienna where I maybe will study some day … but that’s in the stars. Many people may claim that you are only a number as a student at such a big university, but I think you are part of something big … at least I thought that when I walked through the campus. Nevertheless, I can't make any claims because I'm not a student yet. But I liked the feeling of pretending being a student for two hours.

Another cool day or rather night was when I went out for the first time in Vienna. Unfortunately, I am a little too young to come into the big clubs in Vienna or at least don’t have the right connections to come in haha. However, my friends and I had a great night. We were at Donaukanal and Karlsplatz and met a punch of cool people. And ended up after having chicken nuggets at 2 a.m. and searching for an Irish Pub who was already closed, in an Uber while sunrise.

Lignano. Lignano. Definitely one of my craziest weekends I have ever had in my entire life. I went on holiday abroad with my friends for the first time. We booked the trip a little bit spontaneous, we didn’t thought that such a chaotic group like us is able to organize a holiday. But we idiots made it haha! If I start with the stories I will not be finished until tomorrow and may be wanted in Lignano. So, let’s keep it simple: We laid the whole day on the beach drinking tones of Pina Coladas, went out in bars, and got way to less sleep.


I will try to keep that simple and short, because nobody actually likes to hear much about work, internships, and stuff like that. But I thought it’s also part of my summer and in some way belongs in this post. I only want to say that I really enjoyed this time. I worked at a software company in Steyr in the Marketing Department, and I really was allowed to DO something useful and not only copying and making typical intern stuff. I did a lot of filming, editing and talked with many different people from different nationalities. The month flew by. My morning ritual was to look at the window from the second floor of the office to the town square of Steyr and I loved that.

The last short story I want to add is when I went home on Fridays there was always this cool train where you can open the windows a little bit. Most of the time I was almost alone in one wagon. So, I opened the window and stuck my head halfway out so that I could feel the draft.

And I knew this moment was only mine, this one moment when I looked at the landscape passing by, lost in thoughts, and realizing that the last summer days are almost around the corner.


What are the feelings of an 18-year-old-teenage-girl in the summer before senior year? Right, a mess! You have rejoiced a little too early, I won’t share my deepest thoughts with you about friends, boys, and others. But what I can say is that some things happen when you least expect them… As for my friends I am so grateful for every single one in my life. What I have learned this summer is that the interests of everyone may will change and I am somehow scared how things and people will move on after school. But until then, I will be enjoying my last year of school, concentrating on Matura and looking back to the summer with a smirk.

Love Anna

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