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We all stuck in this together, we are sitting in the same boat.

Quarantine. Self-isolation. Corona.

I don’t have to say anymore, it’s clear, we all hear it 24/7 in the media. But now I want to tell you my side of the story, how I am feeling and how I am thinking recently as a seventeen-teenage girl in isolation. Maybe some will feel the same, some will not, but that’s okay. But I decided for myself, it would clean out my head a little bit when I write everything down.

It is the first crisis – and thereby I speak for all teens – we experience in our young years. Of course, it is not comparable with war or hunger crisis or other very bad catastrophes, but it is a completely new situation for us and for the whole world we must deal with. Of course, we have a little bit of fear, of course we are daunted and of course we miss our friends, that’s normal.

I am honest, some of the first thoughts that came to my mind are the superficial things like what’s about the summer, vacation, concerts, festivals, long summer nights with all my friends, all that fun stuff we were looking forward to when we sat in class and looked out of the window. Sure, we think of that, it is important for us, not the most important think right now, but still important for us. I have complete understanding for the preventive measures, but all in all it makes me sad.

We are teenagers, our mission right now is to live, have fun, do dumb things and don’t worry about anything. Later we have children and have to worry about them and our job or don’t know… anything. Sometimes I remember that youth is ephemeral, and I am afraid that it is over too fast, and the adventures and wild parties are only pictures we look at time by time. (This paragraph is inspired by two of my favourite movies: “Footloose” and “Perks of being a wallflower”, thanks god for these glory teen nostalgia movies.)

Oh hell, that was very deep, but that’s also part of the whole process of self-isolation: TRULY THINKING

But it is clearly not the last summer, I have no idea how this summer will look like, in any case different, but hopefully we will find a way to make the best out of it. By one point I am sure, when we see each other for the first time, going out together or just hug us again, we appreciate it more than ever.

So much for that, now to the things that really concern us in everyday life. We have to be at home, in our houses with our family. Some of you will love to be at home, some will be relieved when they have a key to lock their room that their siblings can’t disturb them, it’s different. For me personally it’s great to have more time for my little brother. I don’t see him very often. Most of the time I come home from school at five or six p.m., then I have to do my homework and when I am finished, he already sleeps, so yes. Later I maybe will move out and live in another city, could be. Sometimes I am afraid, I regret that I had almost no time for my little brother, because I always was too busy. In quarantine I have time to play memory or better take time to play memory with him. Another great thing I never had time to is to go for a walk with my family, it's wonderful.

Also, my mum is very relieved that she doesn’t have to drive me to music school, events, or other random appointments. I think she is calmer and not so stressed out. Lucky for her.

I can’t see my grandma, but I call her and send her WhatsApp images, even if it takes a half eternity for her to write me back, but it’s okay.

Things have changed and step by step I think we get used to it. We keep at home, if we can, wear our face masks and still try to save our life, the life of others and maybe the summer. Everything is on zero. Our fast life stands still. When will that ever happen to us again? Now it’s our decision what we make out of this situation.

Stay well, love Anna!

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